Information for Camp CRAVE 2025 will be here soon.
More About Camp CRAVE
Youth camp was originally started as a tobacco prevention camp and evolved into CRAVE in 2013. CRAVE is a 4-day summer camp that focuses on healthy living. CRAVE stands for Culture, Recreation, Active, Values, and Education. Some of the activities include: tobacco prevention, campfire activities, alcohol awareness, hiking, paddle boarding, social/ emotional learning, swimming, fishing, nutrition education, group games, archery, cultural activities, and more! There are three sessions each summer: Foxes (ages 8-10), Wolves (ages 10-12), and Bears (ages 12-14). Foxes Camp is a day camp with one overnight stay at the Alaska Missions & Retreats (AKMR) cabin in Nook, just 18 miles outside of Nome. Wolf Camp and
Bears Camp are sleep-away camps held at Bear Creek Fish Camp in Council, Alaska. For many youth in Nome, camping experiences like those offered at Camp CRAVE would not be possible. Youth learn team building skills, service and citizenship, and how to enjoy what nature around them has to offer.
Each camp hosts up to 20 children for a total number of 60 children who get to enjoy a camping experience. Most years there is a waiting list of those who want to attend, but capacity is limited.
Bears Camp are sleep-away camps held at Bear Creek Fish Camp in Council, Alaska. For many youth in Nome, camping experiences like those offered at Camp CRAVE would not be possible. Youth learn team building skills, service and citizenship, and how to enjoy what nature around them has to offer.
Each camp hosts up to 20 children for a total number of 60 children who get to enjoy a camping experience. Most years there is a waiting list of those who want to attend, but capacity is limited.