HomePlate Nome, LLC is a Housing First project designed to provide a path toward housing permanency for Nome’s most vulnerable chronically homeless population. HomePlate is 15-unit studio apartment building for single occupancy with an on-site property manager’s unit. The design includes an onsite medical and mental health clinic with space for individual counseling. Nome Community Center's experience in caring for Nome's homeless individuals through the NEST (Nome Emergency Shelter Team) operations and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program, has been the springboard to the development of the first supportive housing project of its type on the western edge of the state.
Construction of the HomePlate Apartments is expected to be completed by December of 2023 with a projected move in date of January 2024. Ground breaking was held in early September at the site of the building. The location provides easy access for tenants to the public safety services, the Wellness Center and the hospital.
We estimate that there are 30 chronic homeless on the streets of Nome. This project will house half of them. Future efforts to end homeless in Nome will require additional supportive housing.
Construction of the HomePlate Apartments is expected to be completed by December of 2023 with a projected move in date of January 2024. Ground breaking was held in early September at the site of the building. The location provides easy access for tenants to the public safety services, the Wellness Center and the hospital.
We estimate that there are 30 chronic homeless on the streets of Nome. This project will house half of them. Future efforts to end homeless in Nome will require additional supportive housing.
How it began...
Funding Portfolio
We are so grateful to the growing number of contributors who have believed in us and in the value this project brings to the Bering Straits Region of Alaska. We owe our gratitude to:
U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
Federal Senate Appropriations Rasmuson Foundation Norton Sound Health Corporation Premera Health Blue Cross Blue Shield Bering Straits Native Corporation
Sitnasuak Native Corporation Alaska Mental Health Trust
Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation City of Nome
Nome Eskimo Community Kawerak, Inc.
Denali Commission Dean Weidner Apartment Homes
United Women in Faith Massie Foundation
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation MJ Murdock Charitable Trust
Housing Alaskans Public Private Partnership Northrim Bank